OMG AGM 2009



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Minutes from the meeting held at the Pickaquoy Centre

Present: Sean Lewis, Marshall Dean, Peter Drummond, Victoria Rhodes, Ken Hambly, Paul Kenyon.

An informal discussion took place with regard to the potential offered by the changeover to digital broadcasting.

Chairman’s report. 
Victoria mentioned that the club had worked on a number of film making projects during the year. Offering a variety of challenges and rewards. Particularly rewarding both creatively and financially had been the “life on a small island” film made about North Ronalsay. Members had also filmed performances at the St. Magnus Festival specifically “Riders of Sea Horses”. New members who had joined at the previous AGM had been involved with activities although not all were able to attend the 2009 AGM.

Secretaries report.
Marshall was pleased to report that the humorous film “Dark Legends” had been completed during 2008 and that Pristech was progressing well, most filming now complete. Sean had been gallantly undertaking a major part of the final editing. The road safety film completed in 2007 had been distributed to schools throughout Orkney and Shetland initially then to various parts of Scotland. A number of members had shot film of the Shetland Up Helly Aa squad parading in Kirkwall then burning a small galley. The resulting footage was edited by Sean, Paul also made a film on this topic.

Treasurers report.
Paul informed the club that there was presently £ (amount on request)  in the OMG account. Then proceeded to itemize major items of income and expenditure from throughout the year. Main income had come from making the Life on a Small Island, which had incurred expenses for flights, accommodation and vehicle hire.
Part of the justification for undertaking paid work was to accumulate funds which are to be invested in equipment for OMG. Quotes had been requested but few received A vote was taken to purchase a new camera and 2 tripods to use with the camera that Sean Lewis had kindly donated to the group. Lighting equipment purchase was deferred until finances allowed.

Election of the committee followed, all 5 members attending were duly elected to the committee, the exception being Marshall Dean who is moving to Canada with his family, he was thanked for all the effort which has helped put the club on a more solid footing, and everyone wished Marshall well.

Election of office bearers.

Chairman                 Victoria Rhodes
Secretary                 Peter Drummond
Treasurer                 Paul Kenyon
Publicity                   Sean Lewis
Vice Chairman          Ken Hambley

New secretary to undertake clerical duties, other members to deal with the more creative aspects.




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